​​Why Should I Join?

You might be wondering why you should join the Phoenix Association or perhaps feel a little hesitant, maybe even a bit scared and that's completely understandable.  Here are a few reasons that might help you make your decision:

  • Know that you are not alone! Meet others just like you who know exactly how you're feeling.
  • Hear other members share their experiences, thoughts and feelings about herpes.  This might range from wondering how having herpes affects one emotionally, how to navigate dating, how to tell someone to discussing treatment of outbreaks, as a few examples.
  • Have a safe, non-judgmental environment in which to share your thoughts and feelings (although you are always welcome to simply listen during a meeting).  Some of our members often mention that they don't have anyone to talk to about herpes except during our meetings. 
  • Have access to a private Facebook group to stay in touch in between meetings. 
  • You are welcome to attend as many or as few meetings as you'd like after you join.  
  • Meet new people and possibly form new friendships!

Becoming A Member 

All orientations are held virtually via Zoom.  To become a member, here's what you need to know:

  1. Email phoenixyyz@hotmail.com and let us know which orientation date (see below) you would like to attend.   ​Please choose only one date and include your full name. 
  2. You will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom invitation to register for your requested orientation date and further instructions (please do not share this link with anyone else; if you know someone who would like to join please have them email us directly). 
  3. ​During orientation, a Phoenix Association member will share more details about our group, communication guidelines, what to expect during meetings, etc. 
  4. After orientation, you will have the option to join the Phoenix Association by filling out a brief membership form and paying a $35.00 non-refundable annual membership fee via e-transfer (full details provided in the follow up email you will receive).  If you decide not to join the group, that's okay too.  You won't need to pay the annual fee and if you change your mind, we'll always be here.   
  5. Once we have your completed form and payment, you will be sent a Zoom invitation to register for upcoming virtual meetings or you can simply come to any in-person meeting.  Membership includes access to virtual and in-person meetings. 

Upcoming Orientation Dates

Please refer to the above "Becoming A Member" section on how to join an upcoming virtual orientation meeting. In person orientation will not be taking place until further notice.  Please check back regularly as all dates are subject to change. 


  • VIRTUAL ORIENTATION: Thurs. Apr. 3, 2025, 6:00-6:15pm
  • VIRTUAL ORIENTATION: Mon. May 5, 2025, 6:00-6:15pm
  • VIRTUAL ORIENTATION: Wed. Jun. 4,  2025, 6:00-6:15pm
  • VIRTUAL ORIENTATION:  September 2025, TBD

It's not just physical, it's emotional.  Come talk with us, we can help. 

The Phoenix Association